15 June 2008

Have fun with simple programming

Hi there, today i will post a simple tutorial on how to simply walk into your friends PC...

Just using the
net bios you will see the beatifull of cmd.exe. Just follow this tutorial carefully. First of all, you need to make sure that the PC you are using was installed with the net bios.

Q : My PC does not have the
net bios.

For those who does not have the
net bios, you can install it easily. First step to install it, go to the show all connections. In this window, you will see all the network connections. Right click on the local area network and choose the properties. The properties should look like this:

then click the install button and you will see the dialog box "Select Network Component Type". Now select the protocol and then click add button, select the net bios and click ok. Thats all, your PC now is compatible with the net bios command.

Now we can continue with the net bios command. Open up your command promt. start>run and write the cmd.exe. Your command prompt will appear like this:

What you need now is the IP Address of your friend's PC. You can get the ip address with various way it depend on your creativity. You can get it from the IP scanner, Blue port scanner or any other ip scanner. Or you can simply send the trojan to your friend's PC and get the ip address, but this way i will not teach you the detail. It become more easier when we know the ip address.

We get the ip address and now we can start it. Once you open the cmd.exe and write this command:

nbtstat -A .....example: nbtstat -A
If you're going to use hostnames use -a
then press the enter. The result should appear like this:

Take note that <20> from the list show that the PC is sharing something and you can get into the PC through it. If there is no <20> in the list, it showed that the PC that you want to connect is not sharing anything.

Now we need to know their harddrive names etc, and we need to see if it's xp and if they have SharedDocs. To do this we use net view \\ipaddress

net view \\

Shared resources at \\xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Share name Type Used as Comment ----------------------------------- SharedDocs Disk The command completed successfully.

That's the result you should get (it wil be different on a non-WinXP box ).

This is the interesting part, we want to use and browse the person's harddrive just like it was locally. Now we will use the net use, the code:
net use g: \\\SharedDocs The command completed successfully.

Now their harddrive is "mirrored" to the drive letter we specifided (so make sure its not a drive that exists on your computer). Now just browse it as you would a local drive:
c:\>cd g: g:\>

In windows XP (not sure ab
out other windows) you can open up "my computer": the drive you just added will be there for you to browse in all the GUI goodness.
When you're done, make sure you remove the shared drive from your machine:

c:\>net use /delete g:
g: was deleted successfully.

Some systems may be locked with passwords (win2k, WinNT):
If you know the password, you would use this command:

net use password \\ip\sharename

That's all guys, gud luck and see you on the next tutorial.

12 June 2008

Oracle VS ASP

Spnjg musim praktikal aku kena buat satu sistem di mana kalau pelanggan nak buat carian maksud nama anak diorang, diorang boleh view guna sistem aku ni. Nmpk mcm sng tp terpaksa la aku buat bbrp penyelidikn. Yela, ape yg aku blaja kat U cume basis je tp yg kena buat melingkupi overall sistem.

So, after 2 weeks try to develop dia punye rangka jadilah rangka tu..tu belum isi lagi. Apa yg menjadi persoalan what software should I use? Stlh berbrbincg dgn kwn aku (aku buat prjek ni berdua),then we shortlist kan kpd 2 software..eh,bkn software tp coding la kot. That is oracle 10g database or gune ASP punye coding.

Setiap satu ada kelebihan n kelmhn masing2. apa yg aku dpt kenalpasti ialah:
First, ckp psl ASP dulu. ASP ni bgs sbnrye,sbb mcm keje sng,msk je coding then try publish. Melibatkan ISS n Excess dlm pembikinan. Boleh buat interface yang menarik kalau tahu mencoding. Apa yang mnjadi masalah, ASP ni dah ketinggalan zaman sbnrya. Org dah gune PHP n aku tak blaja bende. Coding dia x jauh beza cuma yg jadi masalah ialah aku x mahir gune bende ni. Lagipun, apa yang aku tkt ialah apabila main dgn coding ni, kita rase cam buat dgn btl dah tp at last tak kuar2 dia punye output. Tu yang aku tkt tu. Lgpun aku punye mase praktikal 5 minggu je. Tkt x sempat la plk.

Kemudian, beralih plk ke Oracle. Oracle ni mcm satu authorware yg memberi ksngn utk buat database or table. Output dia dah sure2 kuar n link pun sng untk dibuat. Just kena tau camne nak edit dia punye coding je. Gune SQL jgk sikit2. nsb baek aku ingat lg apa yg aku balja time kelas dataabase ari tu. Apa yg jd problem ialah, user interface x menarik. Just gune default. Nak tambah gmbr pun kemain lg susah. Pdhl sistem aku ni melibatkan user dr luar so, aku kena la buat dgn menarik. Jd aku buat sedikit alternatif, walaupun x brp efficient tp bolehlah. Apa yg aku buat? Aku gabungkan SWISH dgn ORACLE. Jd, muka dpn tu cam menarik la tp kat dlm tu still gune default.

Jd cam x semena-mena aku tau lebih sikit psl 2 benda ni. Nak tau aku gune pe? Mstilh aku gune oracle. Tp yg tlh dimodified la. So, kalau sesape tau camne nak tlg aku buat sistem ni, bantulah aku. Sbb kat aku xde IT department utk tlg aku..huhu..

05 June 2008

New generation...

orangleni.blogspot is the first step into the world of informations. This blog will always updated with the new information accross the world. For the begining, we will try to give you the infomation about the computer and the technology. We also provide you an information search engine to make it easier to search other infomation related. We hope all this infomation will guide you to the beautiful world of technology. orangleni.blogspot also will open up your eyes and see the beauty of the world with the technology.

want to chat live with the hacker??
Hey..you also can get there from this blog, we will serve you the best forum to chat live with the greatest hacker.

want to learn easy step to walk through into your neighbourhood PC??
orangleni.blogspot will provide the greatest tutorial on it. Just visit this blog and be the part of this community and you will see the beatiful of computer programming.

thats it...if you  want to know more detail, you can contact the orangleni.blogspot.com author


Emm, ni first post aku dlm blog ni. So, apa-apa hal aku start sulu dgn Bismillah. Setelah terpikir2 nak letak per dlm post ni, tetiba dtg idea. Tu pun mase aku tgh tungu abah aku dtg amik keje. Aku kata pekata aku dahulukn dgn ape blog tu sbnrnye. Ramai yg x tau apa itu blog t’msk la aku. Ramai jgk kengkawan aku yang tulis blog ni. Ape snrnye blog ni?? Kalau ikt dari mksd yg skema blog ni ialah a website, usually maintained by an individual, with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video and ikut pnglmn aku la, ramai org gune blog ni utk luah prsn diorg. X kira la prsn sedih ke, marah ke, gembira ke, semua diorang lontarkan dlm blog diorg sbb kbnyknnye diorg rase diorg boleh jd diri diorg yg sbnr dlm blog ni. X kurg jgk yg gune utk share ilmu n maklumat. Ade jgk yg gune utk sebar bende2 yg x elok. X elok camne, wallahualam. Ade jgk cam kwn aku ni buat blog utk dpt untung. Bleh ke? Ntah la, aku pun xtau. Tp betullah, sume bende ni bleh dibuat kalu tau carenye. Baru-baru ni heboh psl blog digunakn utk menyebarkan hal2 yg berkaitan politik. Surat kabar ckp yg blog ni mdh mempengarui org. Ye la, dah nama internet sng je nak dpt viewer dr mcm2 glgn. Tp aku x la setuju 100%. Kalu org yang view tu dpt bezakan mane btl n mane slh x la mereka tu mudah t’pngrh. Jgn la prcaye sume bende yg ade dlm internet tu. Org yg tulis tu manusia jgk yg penuh hasad dengki(Phd). Sbb tu la kita kena berilmu utk bezakan yg zahir n batil. Ye x? Kan dah ada hadis yg ckp “Barangsiapa yg inginkan dunia hendaklah dgn ilmu,barangsiapa yg inginkn akhirat hendaklah dgn ilmu dan barangsiapa yg inginkn kedua-duanya hendaklah juga dgn ilmu”. So,nak x nak kita kena cari ilmu tu. Unless xnak kedua-duanye. Lecturer aku pun prnh bilang,1,2,3..hehehe..xlah, dia ckp blog ni bgs sbnrnye..dia galakkn kitorg sekelas utk terbabit dgn penulisn blog ni. Silp2 boleh buat untg. Jgn slh fhm, untung x semestinye dr segi duit. Maybe dgn blog kita dpt lebeh byk ilmu n kwn. Share ilmu tu kan pahala. Ye x? So, as conclusion setiap satu bende tu ade baik n buruknye cume t’plg kat individu tu utk cenderong ke arah mane. Hmm, bak kata Nabil, lu pikirlah sendiri.